Thursday, November 25, 2010


I love designing clothes in my head...although I should probably invest in a sketchpad or actually make the clothing, but for now it's in my head. I know how to sew and I have sewn a few articles of clothing. Notice how I didn't say I love sewing, that is because sewing can be quite a head sore...but I do love the end result and the joy it brings me to actually make clothing myself. I want to challenge myself in sewing so I can get better and grow; Example: In my Principles of Clothing construction 1 class for a first sewing project I decided to make a baby doll top while everyone else made pajama pants. Impressive right?(sarcasm). That's probably the only "challenging" thing I've done as far as sewing goes, BUT I plan to challenge myself more now. Maybe a little inspiration is all I need to move forward...